Plastic drive-on ramps from LuxTek

With a drive-on ramp from LuxTek you can avoid damage to kerbstones, cars and trucks that occur when driving oversteps. The hard and angled edges not only damage the tyres but can also damage the rims or the entire wheel. The shocks can also damage the suspension or even the axles of cars and trucks. By using a plastic ramp, you can prevent such damage and reduce repair costs.

For which applications are plastic drive-on ramps suitable?

With the plastic ramps from LuxTek’s series production, vehicles can safely overcome height differences. With standard dimensions, up to eleven centimetres are possible, but LuxTek can also supply you with individual sized ramp wedges to adapt to the local conditions. The structured surface ensures a secure hold in the inclined plane area. This makes them very slip resistant. The „swing“ associated with high loads for the tyres and the drive, for example when overcoming kerbs, is no longer necessary. However, the possible areas of application for plastic drive-on ramps are much more extensive. Here are a few examples:

  • bridging height differences between tail lifts and loading areas
  • overcoming thresholds when entering halls
  • protection of loosely laid supply cables at events
  • connection for non-level ramps of an assembly ramp
  • collision assistance for the use of heavy load and travel plates
  • vehicle protection when driving up to test stations in workshops
  • use as anti-slip elements for load securing
  • securing of vehicles against rolling away and slipping

What other applications are conceivable with the plastic ramps?

At this point, the application possibilities of plastic drive-on ramps do not stop for a long time. If your production halls and warehouses have small differences in the height of the floor, the ramps are a good choice for forklift truck journeys or transport with a pallet truck. The enormous load-bearing capacity of the drive-on and safety ramps contributes to this. In addition, the plastic ramps can be used to build barrier-free paths for wheelchair users or parents with prams. Another application is the creation of barrier-free access to office containers on construction sites. Because it can be used universally, it is worthwhile for many companies to buy drive-on ramps.

How do plastic ramps perform in terms of user comfort?

LuxTek’s ramp is a plastic wedge designed for heavy loads. The fact that you can order the ramp wedges in standard sizes and as custom-made products pays off in terms of user comfort. You can use the wedges to cover the entire width of a step or the kerb at an entrance. This is of particular benefit to inexperienced drivers and forklift drivers who find it difficult to manoeuvre with pinpoint accuracy due to a lack of experience. The use of plastic drive-on wedges also reduces the risk of cargo damage, as the typical jolting when driving over steps is no longer necessary.

What characteristics does the drive-on ramp made of plastic have?

On a paved ground LuxTek’s ramps can withstand a load of 50 tons and, depending on the version, even more. This load capacity is also sufficient for vehicles with a high total weight or a large excavator. The high-quality design made of pressed plastic ensures a long service life, as no water can penetrate these ramps. This makes them suitable for use even at temperatures below freezing. The drive-on ramps are UV-resistant, and you can clean the car ramps very easily. This also makes them the winners in comparison to wooden ramps in terms of properties and advantages. Also, the assembly and the transport do not require large expenditure. They are superior to their steel counterparts in terms of handling due to their considerably lower weight. Further advantages are the practical grip holes.

In which sizes are the plastic ramps available?

The LuxTek brand allows you to choose from different standard sizes. If there is no product with a length and width that meets your requirements, we can offer you another advantage. You can order the plastic drive-on ramp from us in individual sizes. So, you always get exactly the aid that best meets your requirements and optimally protects the technology of your vehicles for loading or for one of the other purposes. Our employees, with their many years of experience, can recommend certain sizes for a wide range of applications.

What extras does LuxTek offer for the plastic drive-on ramp?

In the interest of a particularly high level of safety, we can equip the mounting ramp or car ramp with additional reflectors. The integration of extra handles is also no problem for custom-made products. In addition, the heavy-duty ramps can be individualized. If you wish, our employees can use milling technology. This allows them to incorporate your company name or a simple logo into the surfaces. In this way you can recognize your property very quickly. This prevents equipment losses when cooperating with other companies that also use LuxTek ramps. Therefore, we advise our customers to individualize all their products.

What other advantages should you know about the plastic drive-on ramp?

In terms of service life, the plastic ramps are superior to all other material variants. Unlike steel and aluminium, they do not show any corrosion. Compared to wood, they are much more resistant to weathering and wear because, for example, they cannot be damaged by rot or termites. Other advantages include the fact that you can clean and even disinfect the ramps quickly and easily. This makes them very universally applicable in industry and transport. Wholesalers also appreciate the advantages of plastic wedges, because their temperature resistance also makes them suitable for use in cold stores.